The one important thing about any industry is being able to get good information about the sector. When you are working in any industry and you really care about it, you are going to want to know about the events that happen. It is the only way that you will be able to stay on top of things. And that is important. There is no way that you can be considered one of the best in your fields if you do not know what is happening in your field. To keep on top of things like this you will usually go to resources such as the web, books and magazines. That is what this article is about. The top resources when it comes to computer security that will keep you on top of the game.
With computer security, staying on top of the field is even more important than ever before. You need to be able find out what is going on at a face pace because of how fast the computer security world moves. Your client's online safety depends on you knowing the latest tricks that the bad guys will use. Unlike other industry where you may be able to get along for awhile without learning the new tricks, computer security is reactionary. If you are not able to react to the bad guys properly then they will be able to walk all over you. In this article we will talk about 5 magazines that will give you up to date information about what the bad guys are doing. Some of the magazines are offline while others are online. The most important thing is that they are able to give you the information that you need to stay on top of the game.
Hackin9 Magazine
This is a magazine that was once a paperback only but now it distributed in a pdf format. If you are looking for a magazine that will provide you with all that you need to know in the world of security then this is it. The magazine is available monthly it is filled with articles by top notch people in the industry. The best part about this magazine is that it is able to go in depth because of the experts that it uses. It just does not describe the security issue; it will take you step by step and show you how it is done. So if you are looking for a magazine that will keep you informed on what is going on in the industry, this is a good one to start with.
Insecure Magazine
This is another magazine that started off with a paperback only version then went online. While not as good as the Hackin9 magazine it is still able to give you a great deal of information about the industry. If you ever needed to know what was going on then this magazine is a good way to find out. This magazine leans more towards the industry professionals and less to the actual coding side of things. You will find a lot of good information about professional tools used in the industry in here.
This is a web site that will give you everything that you need to know about the computer security industry. Not only industry news, it will also let you know a lot about the latest malware threats to your company. And since it is a web site, it is always updated with latest threats. You will not get a lot of underground information from this site but once the vulnerability has become known it will get you up to date.
2600 Magazine
One of the oldest computer security magazines, this one is available in paperback only. This magazine is less about the computer security industry and more about giving you some of the latest tricks in the game. They take contributions from thousands of people from around the world and give you the best of these gems.
Phrack Magazine
When you want to know about the history of hacking and get real in detailed about some of the threats that are out there, there is no better place to go on the web than the Phrack web site. The articles on the web site are very in depth and will teach you in fine detail of how to do the attacks that may affect your network. With this web site you get to see how the bad guys are able to pull the tricks they do. Anyone who is in computer security should browse around this web site.
If you are someone who is either in or trying to get into the world of computer security, these magazines are great resources that you should check out. You will find plenty to learn from them.
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